Jumat, 29 April 2011


Namanya juga pilihan, menyesal atau tidak toh akhirnya akan tetap dijalankan. Karena itu pembuktian sebuah tanggung jawab.
Telah memilih berarti berani. Berani bertindak, berani bertanggung jawab, dan berani ambil resiko.
I'll try to get what i need not just what I want. Learned to be responsible and eliminate my selfishness.

G E E S T !

Boys Outfit (1)

Take some pics of my friends outfit at campus two days ago. Yeah, I seem to hve a new hobby: observing the peoples around me-yes especially their style. Haha just for fun, but provide for my own pleasure. New interest for me, sok-sokan gicuh tapih ceritanya haha.
No-no, I'm not a fashion police. Haha ;D

Korban pertama: Agoy Prayoga
blue-striped-shirt, jeans, postman-bag, some bands, and brown shoes

Since three years ago-dari jaman awal awal kuliah dulu, I fell in love with his style (Ah yaaa finally! I opened one of my biggest secret Hahahaaa). IMHO, he always knew he was there where. His style selalu pantas dikondisi apapun dia berada. He really knows how to dress. He became one of my friends with the best outfit (ever). Haha some pics above is his style when he became asisten-dosen for studio class. Although it doesn't the best outfit of him but hmm ya gitu deh. Hahaha ;D

Korban kedua: Dewa - menurut rumors, katanya anak gaul nasional
grey t-shirt, jeans, ouvalresearch belt, converse

Kalo yang di atas ini, sepenuhnya iseng. Haha thanks anyway ;D
So, what's next? :))

Kamis, 21 April 2011

still ambitious?

I'm in a relationship with Tugas Akhir.
Sorry to say, but I'm full.
Full of confusion, ignorance, and laziness. 
Can you separate me with Tugas Akhir as soon as possible? 
I was getting fed up and a little desperate.
Pleaseeeeeeee :'(